Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher

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First, I am in love with that book cover. It is so beautiful that I had my eyes stuck to the book even before I saw the name Tarryn Fisher on it.

Tarryn Fisher and her best friend Colleen Hoover are authors who have a massive following among book lovers. I am one of those avid Tarryn followers as well. I read every book that she writes as soon as it comes out. However, with this book, one of the most striking things is its cover.

Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher
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Then, the second most exciting thing is the title which hooks you in. My first thought after seeing this book on Goodreads was “There’s another Tarryn Fisher book out there, and I don’t know about it? How is that possible?” I knew I had to read it as soon as I could.

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All Hype, No Fun

I have to say I was pretty disappointed after reading the book. This is the normal Tarryn Fisher romance that I have read, and that is not a compliment. Tarryn doesn’t do “normal”. Also, her romance novels are usually over the top insane and intense. With that striking cover and the absurd name, I had huge expectations, but unfortunately, the book didn’t live up to the hype.

Even the back cover of the book suggests an angsty kind of romance with some crazy elements mixed in. However, when you read the book, it is just a typical love story between two creative individuals — well, original in different ways.

Characters and their Issues

Yes, Yara the main character, had her fair share of issues, but it wasn’t enough craziness for a unique style. She runs away from her problems, and while that is messed up, it is not quite poetic. Usually, the characters written by Tarryn Fisher are over-the-top crazy or messed up attractively. Yara lacked that and was just like a normal girl with some quirks.

Also, David’s character was such a cliché. I could not find one unique thing in him. He is like the copy of a typical artist that is portrayed in the same manner everywhere. He has messy hair, chooses art over relationships, is looking for a muse and is a hopeless romantic.

The worst part is that even the side characters weren’t exciting or memorable.

Writer or Ghostwriter?

I found the writing style lacking the usual charm. Is everyone sure a ghostwriter didn’t write the book? Because it feels that way. Perhaps reading so many books by one author puts them on a pedestal and any of their usually good book after having read their fantastic fiction disappoints you.

Because Tarryn Fisher’s books at least have a dozen beautiful lines that you can quote all the time. The dialogues are intense, and it shapes up the characters way better than the prose does. However, in this book, I found the writing to be quite dull. I couldn’t string up one sentence from it that I would remember to quote.

What Keeps the Book Exciting

I love the concept of artists thrown in the mix.

The most twisted thing about being an artist comes when you understand you’re creating for one specific person. The painful part is realizing who that person is, and the overwhelming part is knowing the compulsion will never go away.”

Artists and heartbreak make an awesome art.

All they need is a muse to break their heart. Someone they are in love with. I know that this is the biggest cliché in the entertainment industry, but that doesn’t make it any less fun to read about. With the kind of art on the book cover, I was expecting illustrations in the book or with David being a singer/songwriter, and I wanted amazing lyrics of a song written in the book. Unfortunately, I didn’t find that. I did like the overall premise though, and this book held much promise. However, I think the author rushed with writing this.

What’s in the Plot?

Enter Yara, the wandering muse with a terrible English accent. Who could not love her? So David fell for her, and it was fun for both of them for a while. It was fun for me, too, because as a romance reader, I like when things are going all happy and beautiful. Then things go wrong. They fall apart; he creates incredible art, and she goes on living her life. All very predictable.

The Dull Side of the Book

There were no plot twists, not based on what I’ve read. It was all very dull and bland. This was the softest romance book Tarryn had written, and by that, I mean least edgier. I was not fond of that at all.

I did not like the all-artists-wanted-Yara-to-be-their-muse part. That is not how it works. Every artist functions, and if artists are falling at their knees in front of Yara, then that doesn’t necessarily mean that she is a muse. She is a fantastic badass bartender. It is expected.

Some of the romantic quotes in the book are so cheesy while some are just downright absurd.

“What’s the point in making yourself look like you’re not hurt, you know? We spend so much time pretending nothing can touch us that men have started to believe it.”

“Most people move through life looking for some elusive soulmate experience. I am trying my hardest to avoid it. Does that make me fucked up or wise? Who knows, who cares?”

Another thing is the slow pace of the story and then the ending seems rushed. In the first few chapters, there is just talk and no action, and in the end, there is only action and no speech.

The only thing I do like about this book is how it looks and the title. So people are right when they say, don’t judge a book by its pretty cover.

About the Author

Pallavi Sareen is an avid reader, a harsh critic, bibliophile, and a dreamer. Accustomed to telling stories, she spends her time amidst the pages of either a book or her diary.

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