How to Get Into Reading? 5 Tips for Beginners

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Cracking open a book can feel like stepping into another world. Reading is an escape from the real world and also provides knowledge. Numerous adventures, diverse characters, and interesting plot lines make us fall in love with literature.

But if you haven’t read much in the past, the first step will feel more like a hurdle. The pressure to find the right book can be overwhelming. I understand, fellow reader.

But fear not! Through this blog, I will share 5 tips to turn you from a book beginner to a bibliophile. Let’s learn how to get into reading.

5 Tips for Beginners to Get Into Reading

Developing a reading habit is beneficial in many ways. Let’s have a look at the 5 essential tips, which you can try to begin reading.

Find Your Genre Bliss

For beginners, the world of literature is vast, exciting, and overwhelming. Staring at a bookshelf packed with so many options leaves us unsure of where to begin. This is where finding your genre comes in. Let’s figure out what genre interests you the most.

  • Interests and Hobbies: First, try to understand your interests and hobbies. What are you passionate about? If you like history, you can try historical fiction. Do you like nature or horror documentaries? Books are available in these genres as well. So, figuring out your interests and choosing books of those genres will be helpful.
  • Mood and Pacing: What do you prefer, a thrilling page-turner or a slow, meditative read? Thriller books are fast-paced with major cliffhangers. Literary fiction offers a more introspective experience. Choose according to your preference.
  • Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Experimentation is the key. Don’t be afraid to choose a particular genre because you haven’t enjoyed it in the past. There are a plethora of books to be discovered.
  • Mixed Genres: If you like multiple genres, then you can choose books that do not fit into one category. For example, a fantasy novel might have romantic elements or a historical fiction filled with suspense. Look for books that blend genres that interest you.
  • Online Resources: If you search online, you will find many websites and quizzes that help you discover your reading preferences by asking various relevant questions to suggest genres that you might enjoy.
  • Friends/Family or Librarians: Ask for recommendations from friends and family members who enjoy reading. Librarians can recommend books based on your preferences and also help you find hidden gems.
  • Book blogs: Reading online reviews from trusted sources and book blogs helps to understand the plot, style, and themes.
  • Short Stories and Novellas: If you’re doubtful of time commitment to a lengthy book, then choose short stories and novellas of different genres.
  • Anthologies: Anthologies feature short stories from various authors within a specific genre. So, it’s a great way to discover multiple voices and writing styles.

Start Small, Win Big

I understand that reading a giant novel might be your ultimate reading goal, but for beginners, it is a daunting task. Reading short and manageable books first will build confidence, momentum, and a genuine love for reading. A few benefits of starting small:

  • Sense of Accomplishment: Finishing a novel, no matter its size, is a victorious feeling. If you start with short books, you will experience this more frequently. It provides the motivation to pick your next read.
  • Reduced Intimidation: For new readers, picking a thick book can be overwhelming. Choosing shorter ones makes reading less intimidating and pressurized.
  • Discover Diverse Genres: With short stories, you can explore diverse genres without a huge time investment. So, you get to explore diverse genres and set your reading preferences before diving into lengthy novels.

There are various types of shorter reads available for beginners, such as novellas, short story collections, graphic novels, magazines, etc.

Embrace the Power of “DNF”

As a new reader, you feel the pressure to finish every book you start. It is not necessary to see a story through to the end every time. There is immense power in embracing the concept of DNF (Did Not Finish). Let’s know why not finishing a book is okay:

  • Not Every Book Clicks: Not every book will resonate with you. Everything adds up to reading enjoyment, including genres, writing style, characters, etc. Forcing yourself through a book you are not enjoying creates a negative association with reading. Therefore, it’s okay not to finish a book if you dislike it.
  • Respecting Your Time: We all have busy lives, and making time to read is already a hassle, so why waste it on a book that isn’t engaging you? When there are countless books waiting to be discovered, embrace DNFing to move on and find stories that capture your interest.
  • Focus on What You Enjoy: Let go of books that aren’t captivating your interest, and free yourself to explore genres and authors you genuinely connect with. This creates a positive experience and fosters a love for reading.

Try reading at least 50-150 pages to give the story a chance to develop. This will allow you to see if it hooks you. If the book is not engaging, identify what’s not working: the writing style, plot, or characters. Reflecting on what you dislike can help you choose books you’ll enjoy better in the future.

Do not feel guilty about putting down a book. Your time and enjoyment of reading are what matter most!

Create a Reading Ritual

In our hectic lives, dedicating time for relaxation can be challenging. However, reading is a form of escape, and creating a reading ritual is an excellent way to utilize your precious time. Here’s how to create a personalized ritual:

  • Time and Place: Choose a specific time each day to read for 15-30 minutes. Find a quiet, comfortable place to read.
  • Minimize Distractions: Avoid distractions to create a focused environment where you can fully immerse yourself in the story. Silence notifications on the phone, turn off the TV and read in an area where others can’t disturb you.
  • Ambiance: Setting the mood is helpful in creating a perfect reading ambiance. Light a scented candle, diffuse calming essential oils, or put on some slow music. The atmosphere will feel inviting and promote relaxation.
  • Transition Ritual: Follow a routine to shift your mind into reading mode. Develop a pre-reading habit to signal the start of your reading time. For example, brewing a cup of coffee or lighting a candle.
  • Dedicated Bookmark: You can also use your special bookmarks while you read. It can create a sense of familiarity and habit.
  • Schedule: Initially, treat your reading time as an important appointment. Schedule it in your planner or set a phone reminder. It will help you to be consistent and integrate reading into your daily routine.

Join the Bookish Community

Reading does not have to be a solitary activity every time. There are many readers around the world with whom you can connect to discuss books, authors, literature, etc. There are various ways to befriend readers; let’s know some of them:

  • Online Book Clubs: Online book clubs are virtual groups that meet online to discuss everything related to books and reading. Together, they select books to read each month based on genres, authors, themes, etc. You can share your thoughts, learn new things, and discover hidden gems recommended by fellow readers.
  • Social Media Groups: Social media groups such as FB groups, Subreddits, or Discord servers dedicated to books provide a space for readers to connect with each other. They host online live events, discussions, and book challenges.
  • Book Blogs: Book blog websites are another online space where readers can explore bookish things and connect with other bibliophiles through comment sections or forums.
  • Library Events: Public libraries often host book clubs, author events, and workshops. Attending these events is a fantastic way to meet readers from your locality and engage with authors.

By connecting with other readers, you get the chance to discuss what you love about books. Sharing and receiving insights helps to deepen your appreciation for literature. You can discover many new books through recommendations.

Being part of a community encourages you to reach your reading goals and helps you broaden your understanding of different books.


I hope this article will help you to get into reading. As a beginner, the task can seem daunting, but proper effort and consistency will help to make it a habit. 

Reading is beneficial, so start your reading journey right away by trying all the above-mentioned tips.

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